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This Privacy Agreement is formulated due to the terms of articles 8, 15, 16, 33 and 36 of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties and its correlatives 14 , 23, 24, 26, 30, 40, 41, 68, 90 and 102 of the regulations of the law, taking into consideration legal activities and services.

Selfish is responsible for collecting your personal data, the use that is given to them and their protection in terms of the Federal Law for Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties and its regulations, hereinafter "the Law". < br />
a) Purposes for which Selfish uses your personal data:

Selfish collects and uses your personal data for the fulfillment of the following purposes:

- Send you proposals for professional services - Provide the services and / or products that you requested from Selfish and those that Selfish considers may be of interest to you - Inform you about changes in the services and / or products that you have requested or that Selfish considers may be of interest to you - Inquire about your opinion about the services and / or products that Selfish has provided you - Conduct surveys - Send documentation and tax receipts - Inform you about new services and / or products, promotions or any other matter that may or may not be of interest.

b) Personal data that Selfish uses for the above purposes: For Selfish to provide you with the services and / or products you request, we require identification, labor, property, financial, immigration or other data; For example: name, date of birth, email, home address, business address, telephone numbers, bank accounts, credits, liabilities, assets, movable and immovable property or others, which are obtained from the documents filled out by you and the documents private or official services that you provide directly to us, as well as direct questions from our staff to form the case file and the contracts themselves produced by us.

c) How and why Selfish shares your personal data:

Your personal data is shared with one or more third parties, as service providers and / or selected products to support the activities of promotion and marketing of products and / or services, management and administration of your personal data, as well as for verification purposes. The proses to confurm that the information you provide to us is correct and current, so Selfish could even transfer your personal data to third party (s) without a commercial or illegal purpose, but only to comply with the provision of the services and / or products provided. Likewise, Selfish may, without commercial purposes, share or transmit DATA with its subsidiaries or subsidiaries for the same purposes. Should Selfish be required to transfer your personal data to third-party national or foreign or other than those mentioned in the previous paragraph for the fulfillment of our services, you will be previously informed of this situation in order to request authorization and inform you about the recipients or third-party recipients and the purposes of the transfers, in terms of the provisions of articles 36 and 37 of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties and 68 of its Regulations.

In any case, Selfish will communicate this privacy notice to the recipients of their personal data, in order to respect their terms.

d) Exercise of your ARCO rights or revocation of your consent:

You can access, rectify, cancel or oppose (ARCO rights) the treatment of your personal data that we have in our records and files, or revoke your consent to use them, as long as it is appropriate and not about official notices or information that by law we have to register via email to

In this regard, we would like to state that the exercise of ARCO rights or the revocation of consent is independent of the modifications to the personal data established in the contracts to which you are bound by Selfish, which is why any action or request request us regarding them will be governed by the applicable legislation.

It is important to inform you that your request must contain, at least, the following information: (i) your name or that of your representative, address or other means to communicate the answer; (ii) the documents that prove your identity, or, if applicable, that of your representative; (iii) the clear and precise description of the personal data which this case is about. (iv) other elements or document that facilitates the location of personal data. Likewise, you must prove your identity by official identification in case of submitting your application through your representative, through a public instrument, a power of attorney signed before two witnesses or a personal statement from the owner. We promise to respond within a maximum period of 30 business days from the day we receive your request. We will make the request available to you when you submitted your request at our offices, or via email. After the exercise of your ARCO rights was requested, this means, after proof of identity. If you request access to your personal data, the reproduction of these will be carried out through simple copies, electronic file, or you can consult them directly on site. If you request your right to rectification, your request must be accompanied by the documentation that supports the origin of the request.

e) Other options to limit the use and disclosure of your personal data:

If you want to stop receiving advertising or promotions of our services you can:

• Send an informal email to

f) About changes to this privacy terms:

This privacy terms will under go modifications or updates, so we are committed to keeping you informed about any changes through our website: selfish.

g) To contact Selfish:

If you have any questions about this privacy terms or our privacy policy, you can direct it to the email address mx

Last update: July 11.2018.